Friday, February 23
fuck you cruel world!!
so today:
Study Hall: I wrote my entire project. Kauany would be proud of me.
English- read this african novel. it's good but I don't remember the title. J.J. made the Cabbage Patch doll turn into a stripper...haha it was so funny
Western Civics-quiz...eww
Lunch: Prepare for the plays!!! Chaos
M.A.D- We did our play. I am world's best dinosaur. but still Trevor's play was the best by far. I loved it. like a lot.
Play Production- Hersh vs. Odd Couple group. Rawr.
acting one- voice overs. I need to work on my monologue and stuff
So, my head hurts and I need to have this group online all at once so I can put you in a chat room and get your advice.
Reeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy need it.
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Thursday, February 22
Bus ride. Is long. even Zoolander can't make me happy.
Homeroom. I stapled my finger when Rachel and I were printing our scripts.
god I'm silly.
Spanish. Bueno.
Geometry. blah, honors is something I'll never do again...math-wise.
Science. I totally get all that molar mass, mol, chemical balancing stuff
Lunch. Elyse and I talk and costume.
M.A.D. Play run throughs and fun fun fun.
Play Production. Odd couple presentations. mmm sunday is next. urgh
Acting 1. I miss voice overs. The resurfacing of the nasty camera.
diig it.
Megan and Alexandra are going to have fun on Sunday.
Saturday is a total picture day for Amanda,Melissa and I.
Except those.
I miss Kanye West.
Not really.
I was really hoping Britney Spears was going to make a comeback.
I totally don't see that anymore.
Long Live Thorton Wilder
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