Poster: Sarah
Mood: Contemplating Confusion
Music: What Have You Done? - Within Temptation ft. Keith Caputo
Movie: Transformers
Book: 101 Things Not To Do Before You Die
For one reason or another, I'm finding it very easy to feel used and abused nowa days. Every time I turn around there is someone somewhere saying something about me; I'll spare you all the childish antics in naming names but trust me, its being taken care of.
I'm very angry. I can't say why for sure.
Its a combination of the abuse I feel and about a million other things. My outlet for writing is failing me; thinking to write hurts to much. Talking would make things better but I feel guilty. Every time I get around to opening my mouth to say something to another person and after the words have been spoken I feel bad. I have never felt regret in ever telling Megan ANYTHING, but after pressing the send button this one time I immediately felt like a terrible person.
Where does that leave me? What is so hard to express that I can feel so much angry and hurt and frustration without knowing what it is? If I can't talk and I can't write, then WHAT ELSE IS THERE?
Dancing is always an option. To bad I'm so white it hurts.