Finally!!! After spending practically Forever wondering why people say that the devils number is 666 though absolutely no one could tell me EXACTLY why. So i searched and I searched throughout the interent which lead me through a search of the bible which is probably one of the hardest things to look for something in. I'm looking in the index and all the titles are arranged like 3 different ways and then I'm looking for a page number and finally after searching through like 3 bibles i figure out that there are TWO pages of the same number so I look at both of them.. Then I have to find chapters and sections and ugh. I must say it is bloody hard trying to find something in the bible unless you know how I guess. Anyway i'm proud of myself for finding it out so here is the quote.
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
yeah even the italics are in the book. So thats what it says the beast ((aka. the devil i guess)) has a number and it is also the number of a human ((which confuses me)) and the number is 666 ((cause 3 score is 60..learned that from "4 score and seven years ago")) so There ya go . If you cared at all... ((which you probably didn't)) but i had to have someone to celebrate that i found it with. Cause I go screaming to hayleys room I found it!!! and after telling her that I found why 666 is the devils number she starts screaming Be GONE Be GONE!!! over and over again untill i leave then yells out I LOVE YOU!!!...ugh..If she had holy water I'm sure she would have opened the door and poured it on me..ugh.. Be gone?! Anyway rock on and peaceage out. And hopefully i can fit into my pants by the 4th.