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So howdy. This is me first post on this here site thing. So YAY! And a big gold star to those of you who made this thing. I don't have much to say here but i felt like i had to post something. Maybe later when ideas come to me i'll post something a wee bit more meaningfuland worth reading. Speaking of reading.. Read The Face by Dean koontz. Today I HAVE to go to yet ANOTHER cookout ((what is it with my family and cookouts..ugh)) but i don't want to. I guess I'll spend this one doing the same thing as the other.... Sitting inside against a wall reading. Great fun. Especially if ley-chan will allow me to read her birthday present. Well. Peaceage out. And enjoy your day...a homemade blueberry donut is being presented to me.

"There was a small sitting room......in which no one ever sat"
1 Listen @ 11:06 AM