(hello Pinky!)
(Hello loves! Sarah's actually posting something! Woo!)
Summer equels boredom meaning bad things for the world around Sarah. She shows signs of irritability towards her house mates, namely the youngest. Now, i'm sure that most of you find summer to be a time filled with fun, laughs, and all that joyus teenage non-angst good stuff. its more than likely normal to have it lying around in abundace.
However i haven't found it just yet.
Summer is like school; only instead of homework i do slave labor, with all the same drama. You would think that, surely, if i'm not forced into interaction with my little drama whores on a daily basis their drama diseases could not possibly reach me in my nice little bubble? Ladies, i present what could be the next anthrax carrier.
The telephone.
The way i see it terrorist are just not being clever enough; anyone can mail a letter, it takes real skill to send a deadly virus through a telephone wire. Thats what drama is. A deadly virus; able to kill millions in a single breath! Which brings me to my point.
We are all terrorists.
End of story.
♥ [Sarah] ♥