A very happy me just realised that today Gym Class Heroes Album comes out.
So little spiffy ol' me is going to go blow the last bit of money she has on that album. I wish I could get it on vinyl since my dad just gave me this....thing...that I forgot its name. But it plays vinyls. Though the thing is taking up a lot of space. When I was complaining about it, Lauren was like "Well then get an Ipod"
Fuck her. I don't want an Ipod, I want to be able to go into Fye or any other CD store and browse through all that for over an hour, if I get an Ipod then I'm one more person who is taking away jobs from not just the CD store employees but the people in the factories that package the CDs in those plastic cases I always end up stepping on, the people that print out the little booklets that go inside that have the lyrics, and then the MARKETING COMPANIES!
But anyways, I can't wait to have the CD in my CD player and listen to possibly the only indie hip hop music that I can stand.
We're also going to H&M. *grins*
Though its not like I really need more clothes but I want them so I guess its better that I blow my money on clothing than something like drugs, alcohol, hookers.
See I'm a good kid.
I'm very hyper right now
So I'm going to go and buy that CD.