okay so all my degrassi lovers this is my anology. theres an episode where toby likes spinners new stepsister and they start dating. well toby is always around her and wont leave her alone and basically goes out of his way to freak her out without meaning to. so um. heres my situation. Kevin Maggio is my shadow. he's completely ALWAYS in my bubble. if i look behind me there he is. or he'll sneak up on me and bear hug me or like get way too close for comfort. its starting to freak me out. i dont rememebr him EVER being that personal around me.
((i love how i relate Degrassi to my everyday life))
a little birdy told me i should post my songs on here.
heres one.
not like the other guys
different from the rest
is he the best
if he looks at me one more time, i might just die
and i dont really know
what im saying anymore
is this a dream
it must be
i cant feel anything
i cant feel anything
when u say hello to me
daydreams and doodles
with hearts around your name
i doubt you feel the same
love is just a game
and i dont really know
what im saying anymore
is this a dream
it must be
i cant feel anything
i cant feel anything
when u say hello to me
you make me feel ontop of the world
dont bring me down
its all i want to do
to hear u say "i love you too"
and i dont really know
what im saying anymore
is this a dream
it must be
i cant feel anything
i cant feel anything
when u say hello to me
and i dont really know
what im saying anymore
is this a dream
it must be
i cant feel anything
i cant feel anything
when u say hello to me
and i dont really know
what im saying anymore
is this a dream
it must be
i cant feel anything
i cant feel anything
when u say hello to me
"getting old"
how is it possible
that you cant trust anyone anymore
stop your stupid drama
stop your stupid lies
your eyes are ice cold and this is getting old
so what
you dont like me, i never liked you
i think i get it now so let me be
dont you see
im just waiting for you to shut up
about how im such a slut
how is it possible
that you cant trust anyone anymore
stop your stupid drama
stop your stupid lies
your eyes are ice cold and this is getting old
the funny thing is
i thought you wear my friend
back then i was so naive
before i learned u like
to talk trash about me
how is it possible
that you cant trust anyone anymore
stop your stupid drama
stop your stupid lies
your eyes are ice cold and this is getting old
how is it possible
that you cant trust anyone anymore
stop your stupid drama
stop your stupid lies
your eyes are ice cold and this is getting old
"chance year"
a year
i waited a year
you had a year to make your move
you had a year tobe with me
you had a year full of chances that you never took
were my tears not enough for you
well now the tears are gone
along with my heartache
replaced with him
the roles have reversed it seems
you are the one cryingn inside
my heart isnt bursting at the seams
b/c someone else sewed it back together
were my tears not enough for you
well now the tears are gone
along with my heartache
replaced with him
the year is now over
i am now with him
please dont look sad
when i turn away
you lost ur year of chances
like it
im gone too
oksy i g2g