So the game was fun As always it gives me an extreme rush of energy and perkiness and well everything else. Unfortunately it decided to rain. So EVERYONE had to wear ponchos. Big white Klu Klux Klan ponchos. Let me tell you something about ponchos. I hate them. Its like wearing a portable oven. It was getting on my nerves. And I couldn't properly do stand dances with it cause it kept screwing up my arms and hands. Well it did stop raining by the end of the 1rst quarter and boy did i fling that thing off. ((and scream I'M FREE!!...)) I was extremely hyper and felt the urge to boogie down. And sence the band doens't constantly play songs I was singing to myself and rocking out. Which Anthony sortaish made fun of me about but oh well. So during the 2nd quarter we head out to practice. Which was right infront of the little walkway heading from the home side to the concessions to the visitor side. So there were a group of people just leaning on the fence watching the game. And when we walked over to our litle place to practice they hollered at us. "You guys are hot! Can I get your numbers?!" Odd. Well because people are weird and feel the need to make fools of them self. Every person that walked by screamed something to the extent of "We are the Panthers!" or "Go Pathers!" ((thats their team)) Its just annoying. So then we head to the back of the field and get in a line so that we can go to our spots as soon the football players clear out. One of the football players said hey to me. ((a guy from spanish class who apparently recognized me.)) And the cheerleaders entusiastically complimented our outfits.Then we performed. And they actually clapped for us! ~gasp~ ((we expected booing or nothing at all))That was fun.Then off to thrid quarter break which was huge relief cause i was about to pee on myself. How attractive right? So I'm following three guard peeps down the walkway and this massive string of black dudes ((aka dreads, cornrows, xxxxxxxxl clothes)) And as they passed us they were going "sexy sexy sexy" And someone told me that as they walked by someone else they said "too fat" which is very rude and mean. So I was flying away from my buddies ((..stupid me always use the buddy system!!!)) to the bathroom and when i come out. I am surrounded in sea of blue ((aka band kids)). So I lean against the wall next to the bathroom ((cause yes. Only cool peolpe hang by the bathroom)) hoping that I'll see someone I know. Instead I see two guys walk by saying "HEY CUTIE!!!" I barely even cracked a smile ((but i guess the dude saw it)) And off he goes saying to me "I made you smile! You know I made you smile!" So I smiled. So i was still all lonely but thankfully Anthony came over and talked to me. YAY. Eventually we found peoples..and he just disapeared. And I got a lollipo stuck in my shirt! I love lollipops. So as I'm walking back to visitor side i run into anthony again. Who gets to laugh at my prediciment ((aka annoying people)) So wesa walkign and some kid that was maybe 10 yrs old walks up to me and crumps/hiphop hip gyrating thing right next to me.. Two inches closer and I woulda been humped.. That was just well odd. We keep going and we walk by another group of black dudes and they start calling out "Oh yeah I like the girl! Keep the girl!" Just strange. Anyway after alot of dancing , screaming, cheering and perkiness we go home. Onto our bus that is the opposite of crowded. I mean 7 empty seats. and then like 6 seats with only one person. That was fun. I got a back massage ((thank you Julian and your magic hands)) and then slept on a seat. Whch meant I forgot to call mum when we were getting close. So i called after we had met in the chorus room, cleaned up and had been dismissed. Then I get to call her. Then I have to call dad and ask how far away he his... Well lets just say these 2 things. 1)the Band Director left before me ((and he's supposed to wait till all the kids are gone)) and 2) I was the last person there. I got home at like 12:30 am...ugh So i woke up in the morning stumbled into kitchen realized there was no milk to eat breakfast with and sat in the chair. Where i fell asleep and woke up every 15 minutes for 2 hours. I watched West Side Story which put me in a depressed mood so I layed on the chair again and thought and thought and daydreamed and imagined. And here I am, watching the rest of Cheetah Girls 2 and typing. Wowza this is a long one. And the first one in a long time.
"You know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin"