so im only going to talk about periods that were interesting.
per. 1.
so we have to do a project about 1984 and me and ariel arre doing it together. the thing is we have to do a skit in front of class and research stuff on privacy theses days and from 1984 and choose a topic and focus on that for the project. and ariel has winterguard practice for hours and hours. so yeah.
per 3.
i absolutely dont like the spanish intern for coach sowers. he scares me. since hes a snior hes really tall and big( not fat but buff)) and he always has a grin on his face, idk he scares the crap outta me. i hate to say this be he makes me think he's going to like rape or hurt someone. *shudders* seriously though. im so scared of him and i have to sit right next to where he sits in the intern chair. since we have aplhabetical order. and get this. his name is randall. idk. its just so scary to me to be around him.
i sat at a table and read jane austen and then christina tinc and madison renn sat down and started doing homework. so i left shortly and got my books and ran into micheal. he's this guy in my geometry class and hes really cute. we used to sit next to each other but now its alphabetical so we dfont anymore. guess i sit next too. none other than marissa peters. so i have to talk to her. anywyas. i miss not sitting next to that guy. i was just overcoming my shyness with him. argh.
nothing else to great happened today. EXCEPT. in london, there were 9 planes thazt had liqiud bombs loaded on them. sericurity caught them. but the plan was to fly the planes scattered across america so everyone could see them blown up in the air. my science teacher says its al-quaeda. but whoever it is. we need to get troops out of the middle east. or they'll retaliate even more. but its a bit scary you know... i cant imagine if the planes were actaully bombed and we saw it. i mean. how freaky is that. anywyas. thought id add some current event.
im out to do more geometry homework.