Mood: Confuzzled
Music: Number One - Hazel FERNANDES
Movie: Silent Hill
Book: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Is it wrong that i play the first mission of a game over and over again just so i can see the main character running around shirtless?
For the three people who have any idea what i'm talkng about, no you are not alone. Everybody else... yeah, shut up.
So i'm sitting here, having just got my fill of my favorite shirtless bishounen (believe you me, i'd have many more if any of them actually went without a top every once and a while), and i'm about to pop in Dirge of Cerberus to see if i can continue from my last save point, when Fatal Frame III: The Tormented catches my eye.
i have yet to beat Reika, almighty master of hide and seek.
Reika has one of the coolest boss battles i've ever seen, not nearly as fun as beating up Organization XIII, but no boss battle will ever give me as much pleasure as beating the Gambler of Fate for all the times he turned me into a freakin DICE or will there ever be a boss i am so adimate about defeating as Mansex the Gay Zebra for almost killing Riku. Twice. Now, i am frustrated. Our tattooed priestess keeps killing me- ne, hugging me- which she is really really good at. i'm tempted to ask: is there anything she can't do?
She's already the most amazing hide and go seeker i have ever faced, but almighty hawk-assasin-thing??
Oh Riku, i miss you so much right now... Reeve looks like the Kusabi and it confuses me so T,T
♥ [Sarah] ♥