You know, you can only kid yourself for so long.
I really need a friend. I mean, I luckily have you guys but I really need someone here. I'm such a liar. All summer I've been like "I don't need anyone" but I realised today when I was out with Mum running errands and had a little breakdown in the car, if I keep this up, I'm going to end up like my grandfather.
I don't want to do that. Ever.
I don't want to do a lot of things:
1. I don't want to be pale like I was. I want to keep this teeny tan that I have obtained.
2. I don't want to make a career out of writing. It's a hobby, if I make my hobby my career what do I do when I get stressed?
3.I don't want to fucking move to North Carolina.
I like it here. Believe it or not. I've grown accustomed to it. I'm close to Jersey, NYC and Philadelphia. I'm pretty sure I'll like this new school. I love the shopping around here. *sighs* But if I must move...I'll do it. Obviously, what choice would I have?
Well Megan is officially bored out of her mind. I layed in the sun for awhile the other day just so a sunburn could keep me occupied. If school doesn't hurry up and get here...ARGH!!!!!!
I love Gap. I love the Ads (Jeremy Piven *grins incesantly*...oh yes and Pete Wentz too..hehe..) My polo addiction is fading and striped shirts and sweaters are like "fuck yea!"
I guess I'll go watch reruns of last years VMAs on MTV2.
There's a good time...*rolls eyes*