Poster: Megan
Mood: Happy (America's Next Top Model is on)
Music: Do you believe in god, Say "yes" and pull the trigger-flyleaf ( I dunno what the song is)
Movie: Ghost World (the best freakin' movie on the planet)
Book: Taming Of The Shrew
I'm really kinda sick of worthless babble. That's the thing about Mr. Lee's class (and well any decent grammer/speech lesson I guess) you begin to get sick to your stomach when people can't articulate their sentences. I mean I still suck at it, and go ahead call me a hypocrite, but when others constantly use "uhhs" "errs" "umms" in their sentences. I roll my eyes and want to rip my hair out.
DJ's rather pissed about that FlyLeaf lyric (see above). Oh well. Believe what you want silly DJ. It's just a lyric. I'm not trying to infulence your beliefs. It really doesn't matter to me if you believe in god, a messiah, some greek god or satan. (The best part of believe is the LIE).
There's nothing else to really report. I don't know but maybe I shouldn't even bother anymore. You guys have no idea what I am talking about. I really don't see the point.