okay so everybody should know thats ME!!
yeah. so horray NO SCHOOL TOMMORW. well besides megan. and sorry. but i really want to rant on william beckett. everyone needs to visit my myspace and watch the videos. they are really funny. seriously. one is 20 questions with sonic the hedgehog, another is a double duel, the nex is mike carden dancing. something ive noticed is that william cant dance very well. take note of that megan. and then of course the video for phrase that pays.i completely love that song. they have alot of closeups. that and i love the lyrics bc im going throught that with my grandma
right now. ANYwhoo. pep rally today. fun fun. i doubt darling ra saw this but kauany and I were slamming against the wall trying to get a peek and see you. i finally saw you after what seemed like forever. then some random guy came up to us and started talking to us. t was funny bc we both thought he knew the other person. he seems cool. i was really rude and im just realizing that i didnt even introduce myself. stupid. yet i guess ill make up for it on myspace since i added him as a friend. and no i am NOT a stalker. i dont like him. i just embrace new friends. and so my rant on william beckett begins
william beckett
i love you. i dont care that ur 7ft tall. and 150 lbs. ((doubt thats exactly the right thing but tstill)) if i was in college id come find you and we'd runaway togther. screw mikey, and jeremy and orlando. im into you now. forever and ever babe......i want to touch your hair. so so so badly. its so soft-looking. and you have a big mouth. its sexy when u sing. did i say i love you? i want to go on tour with you. please? i want to meet your band. we're yankees ( hes from illinois..note that megan)) we have that in common. and also i love you and u'll love me back ((in roleplay/dreams)) i promise we can ride the ferris wheel all day and ill shoot the squrriels ((lol.megan will get that)) im watching your videos continously. just to here you talk. come to jacksonville. I F_CKING WANT YOU.
wow okay what insane, loco person would type that. ding ding ding. BETH would!!
im goign to try and get a video on here.
lets see if this works.
okay so it didnt. oh well ill just give you a link.
yeah so im going to watch my man sing and try and guess sonic the hedgehog.
see yall.