Shut the fuck up.
We'll all die before it takes any effect on anything.
So why not shut up and do like the illegal immigrants have done (like with their medical bills) and let someone else take care of it.
Preferably someone who won't post things telling me to SAVE THE EARTH or that they just watched either:
Day After Tomorrow (FICTION!)
Al Gore's Inconveinent Truth.(It's Al Gore, I mean he lost to Bush. enough said)
and that's how they got all their information. GO READ SOMETHING and TALK TO A METEOROLOGIST and then get back to me.
Til' then I repeat, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Or I will try and refrain from speaking to you.
and FYI yes I am republican, conservatist, I do believe people should change before the government. This is why Iraq isn't working out so well. I do believe that Illegals asses should be shipped back to Mexico or Cuba or Puerto Rico. I don't care that Puerto Rico is a US territory; they don't pay taxes so get the hell out. I don't have any beef with Bush, though I do admit he isn't the BEST president, but you know what Al Gore or John Kerry would have been bed too.
I hate teenagers who don't research anything. and I hate that you can vote at 18, thats disgusting,
but whatever.
comment away