Mood: MANSEX!!
Music: MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday
Movie: Tsubasa~ *still <3'ing*
Book:Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera User's Guide/Troubleshooting
See, thats why you gals need to beat me with a stick every once and a while. Otherwise we have really random stuff not working and then nothing gets done, and we can't have that now can we? But it would seem that i have fixed the whole commenting problem, hopefully, at least. Now we have a little comment pop-up box thingy, and thats a start, right?
And for the record Mother Hen does not appreciate when one of her chicks posts a worry-worth entry and does not sign who it is from? Mother was not amused and has been left wondering a great many things.
While the record is open for... recording, i would also like to point out that CLAMP is amazing. Once again, i've been dragged back into one of their little series, Tsubasa, and i'm hating myself for the little fangirl in me that is just so happy about it. Then again, its mainly AFF's fault. Yaoi brings the little fangirl in me happiness that trumps even little old innocent me anyday of the week.
Oh, hot-sweaty man-sex, i will always be your slave...